Francis Caus Charity
The Charity was established in the 1930s through the generosity of Canon Francis Caus, parish priest of St Peter's who left a legacy in his will.
The legacy was wisely invested over many years, but now earns little or no interest, hence the fundraising events such as the Fish and Chip Supper and Harvest Supper.
The deed under which the Charity operates states that the Charity should relieve either generally or individually poor and aged residents of the Roman Catholic Parish of St Peter's (this now includes the three parishes of West Leicester : St Peter's, Blessed Sacrament and Mother of God ) who are in need, hardship or distress.
The fund usually provides an annual Christmas Dinner held at St Peter's for around 90 people. However, in 2020 during the pandemic when this Christmas meal couldn't be organised, instead Christmas parcels were distributed to parishioners at home and also to those now residing in some of our local care homes.
If anyone is aware of a person in any of the parishes who is in such need, please contact Fr John Cahill in confidence.